486x164 - However, the adjective patient describes someone who can and, perhaps even more confusingly, the noun patience is the quality of being able to wait calmly.
Original Resolution: 486x164 Thank You For Your Patience Two Rivers Housing Ideally, no one should have to wait for you, but they did. 1000x631 - It is not connected to the patients that wait for doctors although it does sometimes take patience to wait for them.
Original Resolution: 1000x631 Being Patient 102 Quotes To Read When Loosing Patience Following Fulfillment I had so much trouble with some of the difficult parts of class this year, but you stuck by me and had faith that you broke it down into understandable bits of information and were patient with us while we learned it all. 1500x450 - Learn the definition of patients and patience with example sentences and quizzes at writing explained.
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Original Resolution: 857x535 Patently Apple S Rss Feed Is Under Construction Please Be Patient Patently Apple If a friend is asking when you will pay back the five dollars you owe, saying. 1000x667 - With the other phrase, you are not saying a patient.
Original Resolution: 1000x667 Say Thank You For Your Patience Instead Of Saying Sorry Fight Hatred But thank you for your patience is a routine, polite form of please be patient. 600x700 - Ideally, no one should have to wait for you, but they did.
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Original Resolution: 1200x717 Covid 19 Updates Wentworth Douglass Hospital Thank you for being patient with me. 300x200 - I had so much trouble with some of the difficult parts of class this year, but you stuck by me and had faith that you broke it down into understandable bits of information and were patient with us while we learned it all.
Original Resolution: 300x200 News Updates Koh Orthodontics I heard that some of you waited for hours: