720x405 - This is a glitch with the green thief on tree tops, where it teleports to the island.
Original Resolution: 720x405 High Caves Spyro The Dragon Walkthrough Spyro Reignited Trilogy Guide Gamepressure Com Tree tops is a level in spyro the dragon, part of the realm of beast makers. 650x323 - The spyro the dragon games put an emphasis on exploration, tucking away loads of different secrets for players to.
Original Resolution: 650x323 Tree Tops Spyro Reignited Trilogy Walkthrough Neoseeker Jump off every supercharge ramp in tree tops. 1024x576 - Tree tops is a level in spyro the dragon, part of the realm of beast makers.
Original Resolution: 1024x576 Artisan Home Game Of Guides Stated by some to be the hardest level in the entire spyro series, like the name says this is the top of a jungle with lots of supercharge ramps. 1500x938 - He woke up when spyro jumped in the hole the previous day, after the eggs were stole.
Original Resolution: 1500x938 Spyro Reignited Trilogy How To Get All The Skill Points Tom S Guide Keep moving upstairs and jump over to the next platform where that is all on how to complete the hardest level in spyro reignited trilogy , the tree tops level, but. 720x405 - Green thieves are a type of thief which are only seen in tree tops and gnasty gnorc level in spyro the dragon.
Original Resolution: 720x405 Dragon Eggs Secrets Curios In Spyro Reignited Trilogy Spyro Reignited Trilogy Guide Gamepressure Com Then jump over to the plain wooden ramp ahead, and jump straight off the end. 662x372 - Sparx also lets spyro pick up gems adjacent to spyro, so his absence would make spyro's job harder.
Original Resolution: 662x372 Beast Makers Spyro Reignited Trilogy Walkthrough Neoseeker The color of their robes differ between levels.